Monday, July 31, 2006

City’s cultural complex unity wins commission praise

LARGO – Two city departments working together are generating unique, new programs for city residents – at little or no cost.Once conceived to be part of a new, expanded Leisure Services department, the city library and the Largo Cultural Center have won praise for working together while maintaining their individual identities.The Largo Cultural Center will be 10-years-old in November. The Largo Public Library Aug. 1 will celebrate its first year in its $21 million building across the street from the cultural center.The city hired an architect to produce concepts for incorporating all of the activities of the downtown Largo Community Center with new art education programs in the former library adjacent to the cultural center.Leaders of each city institution received approval as the best in the area, according to Mayor Pat Gerard, but a new working relationship between the two city departments won all but standing applause from city commissioners. Joan Byrne, the city’s recreation, parks and arts director and library Director Casey McPhee received the praise.At the City Commission’s July 11 workshop meeting, the two department heads earned compliments after reporting on joint projects under way. The projects included a program on children reading books about Hansel and Gretel two weeks before a Largo Cultural Center presentation of Orlando Opera Company’s “Hansel and Gretel.”Other combined projects included library employees teaching colleagues in the park’s department how to read to children during summer camp programs. And, two “certified” balloon artists who work for Byrne will teach library employees how to twist balloons into figures.McPhee said her staff was excited at being able to link its resources to parks events such as summer camps and ecological studies. On the other hand, Byrne said, specialists in the parks department are enthusiastic over using library resources to bolster their programs.Dozens of computers in the library are now being used to expand the city community center’s computer education program, Byrne said.McPhee and Byrne said there are plans to resurrect the “Art Hop” that was very popular in the community and, especially with the City Commission.Byrne said it was expected that the event would move from one city venue to another during the course of an evening, ending up at the cultural center. It was suggested that the event include the library, possibly where the event could begin.“I’m very excited at what the two of you have done,” said Commissioner Harriet Crozier.“I can’t tell you how pleased I am,” added Commissioner Gay Gentry, a retired librarian.“You are creating a positive environment for Largo with the cultural center, library, the old library and the (Central) park in general,” said Commissioner Gigi Arentzen. “I love what we’re doing.”Gerard agreed, but cautioned the two departments to maintain focus on their own areas so as not to lose the edge that made them “the best library and best parks, recreation and arts department they can possibly be, possibly at least, in the county if not the whole region.”

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