Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Save our homes?

Save Our Homes

Being a realtor here in the Tampa area for the past 5 years I have seen and heard a lot. What I am sad to report seeing a lot lately has been the increase of everyday families losing their homes.

These people aren't Wall St wanna be's. They aren't so called savvy investors who tried to wheel and deal their way to the top of the real estate ladder. They are wonderful everyday people with regular jobs with regular families trying to muddle through their everyday world which is turning upside down.

On any one average day, I must receive 2 or 3 people stopping by our home to see if we could need any work done. Perhaps getting carpets cleaned or mowing our lawn, anything to try to make a few dollars in order to perhaps prolong the inevitable. I see them outside our window, walking the hot pavement, going door to door in our quite community with the hope that perhaps just ONE somebody could use their services.

I can say that a lot of us are close to the same fate although no one will admit it. It has been troubling times for many and like many have been holding on by the skin of our teeth. We all paint smiles on our faces when we come in contact with the outside world never letting on that things too for them might not be so rosy. Who are we trying to fool?

Many calls we receive from these everyday folks with the hope that perhaps we can relieve their pain. Perhaps there is some magic, some hope, some something that we can offer, say or do that would help lift the weight from their shoulder?

For the most part, these stories We hear are hard to listen to. They are everyday folks that lived paycheck to paycheck like many of us do and no longer have that paycheck to keep them afloat. Wonderful children who live in a world without reason, “Just Because”. The innocence of youth apparent as they play in the car as mom or dad approach each door in the hope for work.

I hear stories that they tried the governmental programs only to be told that either they make too much money for some and not enough for others. They called mortgage companies to inform them of their need for assistance only to be treated like 3 class citizens…that after being transferred around the world 4 or 5 times, explaining their heart felt situations to anyone that will listen, each time opening their wounds more and more only to be told that yet another department needs to handle them. The rep on the other line is cold and distant after hearing many like such calls asking them payment, period.

We’ve been able to help many people with these hardships I am happy to say. Sometimes it feels as though we are going through it with them. Perhaps that is what has separated us from the rest? Who knows?

We are indeed in troubling times. I have found new faith in that people it appears have been returning to the basics. “Do you really need that 70” plasma TV?” I ask myself only to quickly reply, “Nope”. I have a renewed trust in the people I care for and my faith in God to lead my family through these turbulent waters. I ask him for the strength, patience and compassion so that I may assist others in any way we can. We don’t have much in comparison to some and yet have the world in comparison to others.

I was just wondering how others have been doing? Perhaps some stories you’d like to share?

Best wishes and God Bless

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