Monday, June 01, 2009

Is the Stimulus Package Working For You

Is The Stimulus Package Working For You?
I would love to know how the stimulus package is affecting your business? I can attest here in West Central Florida that things seem very bleak. If this is a trickle down remedy, it hasn't made it this far South yet. Perhaps a good storm or two would bring some relief? Ouch that is harsh to say out loud but I bet it wouldn't hurt the regions bottom line ; ) I spoke with local hotel owners, restaurants and other businesses and the story seems to be a familiar one, "Things are just really slow." usually followed with a deep breath.
The real estate market as a whole continues to be challenging to say the least with most business being on the low end of the scale. Lots of buzz under 100K, mostly cash buyers with lots of time to wait out the seemingly never ending short sale game all in the hope to perhaps land the BIG one. It reminds me of earlier days fishing opening day for trout along the Paulinskill River in North Western NJ. Everyone got up early that morning hoping to catch the one of a lifetime. We get out to the swollen banks of the river only to be greeted by thousands of other fisherman with the same ideals. There are only SO many fish I thought to myself and SO many fisherman. Perhaps this will be viewed in time as our bottom?
I continue to hear stories from clients that have tried to get their mortgages modified without success only to be left with no action plan going forward, perhaps even a few months late now on payments and the lost look of hope in their eyes. Being a Realtor, we wear many other hats, one getting worn out lately is playing psychologist and financial advisor.
I have one question to ask, when will the rain end and the harvest coming for the American people?
To date, the stimulus package isn't helping me or my family.

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